In Memory of Reverend Patrick L. Clements
August 19, 1945 – May 15, 2024
Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. Psalm 16:5-6 NIV
On September 1, 1982, Rev. Pat Clements walked into the building and started his first day of work at Church Extension Plan.
Back then, the company was merely beginning its growth. Six employees managed roughly 30 investors and nearly one dozen loans each year. “It was small potatoes,” he said.
But, Pat saw the potential. “CEP was the best-kept secret,” he said. “We needed to be known.”
After 34 years as president of the ministry, CEP’s handful of investors had grown to thousands, and the loan program had impacted countless ministries across the country. Pat, often along with his beloved wife Connie, spent his tenure at CEP traveling across America to develop relationships, equip ministries, and pave the way for more individuals to discover Christ. As he did so, he created CEP’s tagline—Partners in Ministry—recognizing the company’s focus extended far beyond a church’s financial status.
“I hope and plan to leave a legacy deeply reflective of a culture of partnership,” he said in a letter to customers just before he retired in 2016 “I hope Church Extension Plan will be seen as a partner in ministry with churches, districts, investors, donors, and all our constituencies. I hope my legacy will be marked by an organization where our staff is always learning to serve more effectively, an organization where the associates are continuously challenged and encouraged to develop personally and professionally.”
Today, we honor a passionate Christ-follower and inspirational president. May we continue to build on his legacy and may we never forget his devotion to the Church and to God.

“In the end, it is all about serving our great God and giving all the glory and praise to His name. This is the legacy I want to be remembered by.”
-Patrick L. Clements