Educational Resources

  • 5 Biblical Truths About Pastoral Retirement

    At first glance, the Bible seems to be silent on the subject of retirement. However, the scriptures do contain a detailed account regarding the retirement of the priests who facilitated worship and ministry surrounding the temple. The Israelite tribe of Levi was set apart to be priests and facilitators of worship in the Jewish temple […]

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  • 10 Options for Church Boards to Consider Regarding Retirement Benefits

    The Bible teaches us that pastors are God’s gift to the church (Ephesians 4:11-12). Although the church as a whole is expected to care for a pastor, most churches delegate that stewardship to the church board.

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  • Biblically Responsible Investing

    CEP is honored to partner with Cornerstone Management for investment management of our Charitable Gift Annuity and Charitable Trust assets. Additionally, Cornerstone Management serves as our Investment Advisor for all Endowment Funds managed by CEP. In this article, Winters Richwine, COO at Cornerstone, discusses Biblically Responsible Investing.

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  • 5 Ways to Generate More Funds for Ministry

    If you’ve ever thought, “I wish there was more money to do more ministry,” you’re not alone. Many pastors have a vision to do ministry that they are not sure how to fund. In these moments, we need to think in terms of good stewardship. How can I use what God has given me to cultivate […]

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  • How Much Should Your Church Be Saving?

    Unplanned expenses are inevitable. How prepared is your church for the next unexpected event that interrupts routine cash flow? COVID taught us that circumstances can dramatically change in a matter of days. Within one week’s time, many churches were unable to hold in-person weekend gatherings. We witnessed COVID impact our communities as well. Businesses and […]

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  • Free eBook: Stewarding Pastoral Transition

    Pastoral transition can be a daunting process. Church Extension Plan has created this guide to help you think about the four most important stewardship tasks during this type of transition.

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  • CEP + The Unstuck Group

    CEP is honored to partner with The Unstuck Group to provide some valuable resources that can grow your church’s impact and your own effectiveness as a leader. Click button below.

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  • Becoming a Bilingual Church

    Discover what Pastor Abner Adorno learned transitioning from a Spanish speaking only church to a bilingual and multicultural church and how they are making sure their staff is a reflection of the community.

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  • Preparing Financially

    Too many pastors get to the last chapter of their career and aren’t prepared for the future outside of ministry. Learn how younger pastors should prepare now for retirement and what seasoned pastors need to do to prepare these next generation leaders.

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  • Pastoring in a Digital Space

    What does it mean to pastor in 2022 and beyond? For Viva Church, this meant adding an online campus pastor who is reaching thousands outside the regular four walls of their church.

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  • Developing Young Leaders

    Why it is important to raise up the next generation of leaders for your church.

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  • Multiplying Your Church

    Developing leaders is a valuable practice, but do you have space for the leaders you are developing to live out their call?

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  • Connect With Your People

    How do you keep your people energized and excited about their ministries? Pastor Tracy Brooks explains how the best way to encourage people is to notice what they do and brag on them.

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  • 5 Systems Your Church Needs

    How do you get your people to grow from just being an attender to serving to leading? Pastor Mark Zweifel shares the five systems that help you do just that.

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  • How to Reinforce Vision

    Vision can be defined as a preferred future that you are looking for and looking toward. True North Church has a 10-year vision that is both attractional and missional. Learn how Pastor Mark Zweifel reinforces this vision in everything they do.

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  • Why Your Church Is Stuck

    Pastor Saul Gonzalez shares his own experience of his church being stuck and what he learned in the process to move forward and become a growing and thriving ministry. Learn about the 5 P’s that can help you get unstuck.

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  • What Leaders Do

    What do leaders do to inspire, encourage, and motivate their teams? How do leaders lead both week-to-week, and also build and grow their churches into a legacy they can leave to bless future generations? Pastor Chad Stafford shares the most important—but not always easy—ways that he leads his multi-campus church.

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  • A Story of Change

    Cornerstone Church in Statesville, North Carolina had plateaued in their growth and even started to see a decline in attendance. Watch how a pastor who dug his heals in the sand and was against change, move to embracing the ‘new’ and seeing the church become a touchstone for their community.

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  • How to Get Unstuck

    Many churches are stuck, waiting for a grand revelation or inspiration to strike before they make the first move. Pastor Saul Gonzalez shares what he did when he found himself stuck, and the steps we need to take to finally get ourselves and our churches unstuck.

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  • When Finances Are Tight

    It is the rare church that exists for years and never hits a patch where funds get tight. This is especially true in the post-COVID environment we are currently in. In this video, Josh Herndon explains how to get a clear picture of your finances and what you can do to be proactive and make […]

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  • More Funds for Ministry

    Jeremy Stamback discusses how you can leverage and use the resources God has given to your church to produce more funds for ministry.

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  • Estate Planning

    Most of us hear the word ‘estate’ and think it only applies to the wealthy. Darren Mullenix explains how estate planning is applicable to everyone and how you can use the 4 P’s to help determine how to start an estate plan.

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  • CEP + Generis

    CEP is honored to partner with Generis to provide some valuable Generosity Resources. Click button below to read some excellent articles that can help you create a sustainable culture of generosity in your church. Featured resources include: The Offering Moment The Big Shift Accelerating Generosity Fund the Vision About Generis: Regardless of your ministry’s size […]

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  • 11 Numbers That Matter

    How Healthy is Your Church? These 11 Numbers Will Tell You.

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  • Three Savings Principles According to Benjamin Franklin

    The pressure to “keep up with the Joneses” is real, and many people spend too much on their current lifestyle without giving appropriate thought to the future.

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  • Leading Through a Financial Crisis

    When elected as Superintendent of the Northern California & Nevada District in 2004, I faced twin financial crises that threatened to bankrupt the District.

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  • Where’s the Time Gone? – 5 Steps to Save for Retirement Today

    It may not surprise you to know that a large majority of Americans are unprepared for retirement. After all, many of us don’t feel any urgency surrounding our retirement until it’s right around the corner.

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  • How to Manage Investment Risk

    You may be asking the question, “How do I determine the difference between an okay and a foolish investment risk?” While there is no established set of steps for the perfect investment strategy, there are many ways to ensure you assume an adequate degree of risk.

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  • 5 Retirement Realities

    While the average person plans to retire, he doesn’t always take the time to think through each step needed to reach that goal. With many aspects to consider, some important matters may fall by the wayside. Below are several considerations which should be remembered when planning for retirement…

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  • 5 Beneficiaries for Your Retirement Account

    When naming beneficiaries on a retirement account, the most popular options are spouse, non-spouse individuals (including children, grandchildren, or friends), trust, will or estate, or charity…

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