Adopt our 403(b) ministers retirement plan to prepare you and your staff for retirement while supporting AG ministries.
When you’re ready to participate in our 403(b) retirement plan, here’s where to start. If you have any questions along the way, our customer service specialists are happy to help! Call us at (800) 821-1112 or connect with us here.
1. Adopt the plan.
2. Have all participating employees enroll.
- Review our Offering Circular and Investment Options.
- Complete the Employee Enrollment Agreement ( PDF) ( DocuSign) to establish your account.
- Complete the Contribution Agreement (or use your employer’s form) if you will be making salary deferral contributions from your paycheck.
- If you want to transfer assets from another retirement plan, complete the Direct Rollover/Transfer Request Form and include a copy of your most recent statement.
3. Wait to receive notification from CEP (letter or email) with instructions to begin contributions via secure portal.